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Shapeshifter: Becoming Animal 

March 15th and 16th 
10.30am to 5pm 

London School of Capoeira 
Studio 1
Leeds Place 
London N4 3RF 

Payment is either 180 pounds for full price or
150 pounds for low income or professional dancers/actors. 

Full Price 180 pounds 

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Concession price for low income: 150 pounds 

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This workshop focuses on the art of becoming the animal and more specifically on the art of transformation between human and animal. This transformatory process has ancient origins that can be traced back into the depths of paganism, mythology and folklore and is usually associated with the supernatural and mystical.  What might prompt our own physical transformation? What story might arise and be relevant to our own time and personal or planetary circumstance? Examples of Human becoming Animal are abundant; think of seals, birds, foxes, wolves, bears, swans, owls. Each of us will feel an affinity to a particular animal or we can find that affinity. Becoming Animal is inextricably bound with animism and the belief that all things have consciousness. Hijikata famously wrote:


"Butoh plays with time, it also plays with perspective, if we, humans, learn to see things from the perspective of an animal, an insect, or even inanimate objects. The road trodden every day is alive ... we should value everything."


Human and animal hybrids feature frequently in Butoh, for example in some of Tatsumi Hijikata’s work, particularly for the film, ‘Horrors of Malformed Men’ (1969). Ko Murobushi, Edge 01 and Quicksilver and Carlotta Ikeda in UTT and Zarathustra both explored human/animal configurations extensively in their choreography and improvisation.


Day One: will establish the animal and techniques grounded in butoh methodology for how to cross thresholds between human/animal. We will spend time reflecting, writing and drawing images that arise from movement to help give form to our animal.


Day Two: we will establish the overall narrative of the transformation; why do you transform? What is the trigger? How to use space/time effectively to indicate the journey between the two states. Is it a pleasant or tortured transformation? We will then share our findings as short solos or as duets depending on the class preferences.


You may already have something you are working on and if so that’s great, and Marie-Gabrielle can help you develop this further.

Live electroacoustic sound is provided by Nick Parkin.


You are welcome to use costume or props as an aid to transformation (please ensure its not sharp, breakable or a danger to others in the room).

For those worried that animal movement can be quite physical, then we counter this throughout the day with activities such as writing, massage, somatic body work, and some gentle chi-kung (taught by Nick Parkin). We can also adapt the work to suit all ages and physical abilities.


Butoh Research

For those familiar with Marie-Gabrielle’s approach to teaching, then all her workshops are considered research-based, and actively explore and push the understanding of Butoh she has acquired through over 30 years of practice.

Marie-Gabrielle has explored human/animal transformation for most of her career, including in Scapula, Butoh Mutations, Mutability, Human Zoo and more recently Blodeuwedd: she’s neither owls nor flowers. See This workshop is part of her ongoing research portfolios: Becoming Animal and States of Possession.


Workshop Cancellation Policy: refunds are given in full if cancellation takes place 14 days prior to course start date. Cancellations within 7 days are offered 50% transfer of fee to another workshop. Cancellations of less than 7 days are non-refundable. Discount offers for early bird bookings or combined discounted payments or special arranged payment plans are non-refundable. 

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